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Design Resolutions

January 2021


Article credits
Spotify Design Team

This January, we’re interested in New Year’s resolutions — of the design variety. We’ve asked 3 Spotify Designers to share 3(-ish) sentences about the things they’d like to change or improve in their design practice this year.

What design resolutions have you made for the new year?

Andrea Fiorillo

Senior Product Designer

When I'm in a good state of mind I do good work. My resolution is to better care for the inputs that contribute to that state — getting enough sleep, going outside frequently, eating well, pursuing interests outside of design, and most importantly, maintaining my relationships with the people that really matter to me. These things aren't particularly novel but I find they have a significant impact on my energy and happiness, and by extension, my work.

Shu Li

Associate Principal Product Designer

Since we draw so much energy from the space we work in, I plan on taking all my meetings on the floor near the window to be closer to sunlight and my dog. When designing, I’ll move to the kitchen and work on my dining table. This will allow me to move around a bit more within my small space and not feel confined in my apartment.

Rosie Ferris

Senior Product Designer

I’m going to be totally honest, I haven’t really made any — like last year, this year has so many unknowns! One thing I have been thinking about though is making sure I carve out more of a work-life balance now these feel more blurred! I also want to make sure I don’t expect to always feel super productive or creative, being in lockdown, the constant news and being in one place for a very long time is making that more challenging :)


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